Panel Discussion: Content Amplification and Digital Technology
Approximately 60% of in-house counsel and law firm marketers do not have anyone assigned to oversee their content marketing strategy, according to The State of Digital & Content Marketing survey by Greentarget and the Zeughauser Group. Furthermore, law firm adoption of even basic enterprise technology remains in a questionable state. While many firms recognize the importance of incorporating new technologies into their overall business development and marketing plans, implementation proves to be difficult. In this session we will explore the concept of content amplification and the role digital plays in developing a successful strategy.
While traditional tools will likely be referenced, the goal of the conversation will be to think “outside of the box” to challenge the status quo and bring fresh approaches to the group.
Honored to be on the panel with Samantha McKenna, Senior Director, ON24, Helen Bertelli, Vice President, Infinite Spada, and Idan Nishlis, CEO, Nishlis Legal Marketing.
Event information:
Legal Marketing Association (LMA) | Metro New York Local Group Digital Marketing & Media Shared Interest Group March 29, 2016, 12:00 am Kobre & Kim, LLP | New York Presenter