
Moxx is a semifinalist for the ABA Techshow Startup Alley
Our Proprietary SaaS product, Moxx, is Semifinalist for the ABA TECHSHOW Startup Alley!
Welcome Nick Capadano!
Announcing Newest UX/UI Designer, Nick Capadano!
Congrats, Miranda Rokes!
Congratulations to Miranda Rokes on her recent and well-deserved promotion to Senior UX/UI Designer!
Lutz and Carr Wins GDUSA’s 61st Anniversary American Graphic Design Awards
Brandie Knox is Quoted in PRINT Magazine’s End-of-Year Wrap-Up
Our Rebranded Website Wins Gold at the Davey Awards
litigation software launch
Moxx, New All-in-One Litigation App, Launched to Reduce Bottlenecks, Improve Case Strategy
Welcome Carissa Lancaster Mohamed!
Welcome Senior UX/UI Designer, Carissa Lancaster Mohamed! 
We are Looking for a Sr. Digital Project Manager to Join Our Team!
News Print Magazine
Brandie Knox is Quoted in PRINT Magazine Article, “The Business of Creativity”
Brandie Attends the Agency Growth Institute Conference in Las Vegas
Lutz and Carr Muse Award 2023 Thumb
Knox Design Strategy and Lutz and Carr Win Silver at the 2024 MUSE Awards
Welcome Natalie Thumb
Welcome Natalie Frank, Knox Design Strategy’s Creative Lead!
Knox Design Strategy and Patterson Belknap Holiday eCard Wins 2nd Place at Jersey Awards
Knox Design Strategy and Federman Steifman Win Silver at the 2023 Davey Awards
Knox Design Strategy and Forrest Solutions Win Silver at the 2023 Davey Awards
Knox Design Strategy and Hart + Harvest Press Win Silver at the 2023 Davey Awards
Knox Design Strategy Wins GDUSA’s 60th Anniversary American Graphic Design Awards
Jensynne East Promoted to Senior Designer / UI Designer
Knox Design Strategy Wins a 2023 American Graphic Design Award
Brandie Knox is Interviewed on the Businessology podcast
Welcome Miranda Rokes, Knox Design Strategy’s New UX/UI Designer!
Our 2022 Team Retreat: In Review!
Patterson Belknap eCard Project Wins 1st Place at Jersey Awards
Introducing Jensynne East, Knox Design Strategy’s Graphic Designer!
Michael Padgett Promoted
to Art Director, Strategy & Branding
Brandie is Interviewed on The Lawyer’s Edge podcast
Meet Our New UX/UI Designer, Sema Bekmez!
Knox Design Strategy and McElroy Deutsch Win a 2021 Horizon Interactive Award
Knox Design Strategy and Allensworth Win a 2021 Horizon Interactive Award
Knox Design Strategy Wins a 2021 American Graphic Design Award
Knox Design Strategy and McElroy Deutsch Win Gold at the 2021 Davey Awards
Knox Design Strategy and Allensworth Win Silver at the 2021 Davey Awards
KDS and Allensworth Win Honorable Mention at the LMA Your Honor Awards
KDS and Allensworth Win Gold at the 2021 MUSE Design Awards
KDS and McElroy Deutsch Win Silver at the 2021 MUSE Design Awards
Milton Arantes Promoted
to Senior UX/UI Designer
Brandie is Interviewed on the Solutions Delivered podcast by PP&C Consulting
Brandie Knox to Serve as 2020 Chair of LMA New York Local Steering Committee
Creative Design Agency Lessons Learned
10 Things We’ve Learned During 10 Years of Business
Women Owned Business Knox Design Strategy
Knox Design Strategy Achieves National Certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise
NYC Small Business Emerging Leaders Knox Design
NYDO kicked off its 2019 Emerging Leaders program
Legal Marketing Association Knox Design Strategy NYC
Brandie Knox, Vice Chair of the LMA NY Local Steering Committee
Brandie Knox is Honored with NY LMA Member of the Year Award!
Brandie Knox to Co-Chair the Metro New York 2017 Small Firm Shared Interest Group
Knox Design Strategy Wishes You a Bright and Prosperous 2017!
Patterson Belknap and KDS win Honorable Mention at the LMA Your Honor Awards
Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP Launches NY Patent Decisions Blog
Westchester SEO Services Lawyers
Website Analysis & Reporting
Law Firm Practice Blog Design
Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP Launches Biologics Blog
Law Firm Website Design - NYC & Westchester
Patterson Belknap Announces the launch of Antitrust Update Blog
Recent Events – June 2014: Creating an Effective Women’s Initative
Brandie Knox is 2014 Co-Chair of the New York LMA Communications Committee